Point blank-- yoga has shaped my life in almost every way I can imagine and I believe it should be shared with as many people as possible.  I'm on a mission to make that happen. 

I believe yoga can change your world.

practice + teach

My yoga teaching journey has had many chapters... 

>> From teaching 11 group classes a week at studios + gyms
>> to teaching small group workshops + private lessons
>> to owning my own local studios
>> to hosting retreats around the world
>> to now running an online international yoga teacher training program for thousands of students around the world--

I've experienced almost every career path a yoga teacher can take, and each one has taught me something different. 

And it's the combination of all of those lessons that let's me serve my students with warmth, gratitude, + love.

Always Learning

teaching Journey


the highest quality education so you graduate ready-to-teach

In-person trainings for That small Group connection

self-paced digital trainings for ultimate affordability + flexibility 

Here's the 411 on the trainings I offer:  

With a background in education, it's no surprise that
leading teacher trainings is one of my favorite things to do.

As the Yoga Director of YogaRenew, an international Yoga Alliance certified teacher training school, I have the privilege of leading 200HR + 300HR 
trainings for yoga teachers both
online-- through our digital trainings--
and in-person-- at our Hoboken, NJ headquarters. 

Teacher Trainings are kinda my thing.

Learn to teach.


Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

Practical course material you'll actually use in your classes

online, self-paced so you take them on your schedule

Here's what you can expect from my Continuing Education Courses.

Diving deeper into the subjects that interest you most is the way to light up your soul as a yoga teacher. 

These trainings are designed to help you build the skills you're most passionate about so you can set yourself apart from all the rest +
define your individual teaching style.

The best teachers are always students first. And that's where Continuing Education Courses come in. 

Refine Your Skills


Guided by breath to bring the bliss

grounded in alignment to keep you safe

Creative sequencing that's super fun

Here's what you can expect to find in every single class I teach.

My two favorite things to hear
at the end of a class?
1- "Ahh... so THAT'S how to do a headstand. I finally get it now!"
2- "I came in feeling grumpy but I'm walking out happy as can be."

And that's exactly why I teach classes the way that I do.

 I believe you should practice yoga today so that you can keep learning + practicing tomorrow.

Join me in-person or online for yoga classes designed to truly teach you while guaranteeing you feel oh-so-good.

Take a class. 

Kind Words

What an incredible experience! The self-paced learning experienced suited my circumstances perfectly. And Kate and Patrick were experts without being condescending. The totally accessible approach to learning was exactly what I was hoping for. And it is so great to have all the helpful videos beyond the course completion! That makes me wish I could give them even more stars

— Natalie,
Google Review | YTT Student

I've never had content this great before French 75. My social media is totally exploding with engagement.

— Jennifer, co-Founder, Tonic site shop

It's such a load off my mind not worrying if I'm going to have something to post. It's all done for me!

— elena, rose mercantile

Let's be email BFFs.

Writing notes to my friends was my favorite thing to do in high school. And my email list is basically the grown-up version of that. ♡

By signing up, you can expect love letters from me about entrepreneurship, yoga, motherhood, + a sprinkle of all the life things in-between. 


Follow me on Instagram for yoga, business, + everything else in-between.


Vinyasa Sequencing Lab

Coming soon! Join the waitlist.

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    I know your inbox is sacred-- and I'll treat it that way. Unsubscribe at any time!